Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Academic job search update

A few people have asked how my job search is going, so I thought I'd post some specifics.

37 jobs applied for, 5 rejections so far. Some of these applications were a stretch and many were not specific (e.g. looking for a "molecular biologist:), so I don't really mind a low success rate (success judged by the number of phone interviews I get).

The earliest application was due in September (and I'm assuming I didn't get it since I haven't heard back) and the latest closing date was 1/15. The bulk of the closing dates were between December and January.

I'm still hopeful, although I'm shifting my focus toward writing a K grant application from the NIH. This way if I don't get an assis. prof. position I can hopefully still do some research in the Fall. My current lab MAY have money to support me for a year, but it is not certain. 

More updates will come as things happen....


  1. The waiting is the hardest part. It stinks, but just hang it there. It seems like once you get that first positive phone call/e-mail things really seem to pick up! Best of luck to you!

    1. I swear it's like dating all over again.

      Did they like me? Did I say the right thing, leave the right impression? Why did I say X? Will they call me?

      Although at least I don't get nauseous during the job search. Or maybe that comes later as part of the job interview prep....

    2. The nausea really kicked in for me during the onsite visits. The night before my interview, sitting in the hotel room, was the worst! I get extremely nervous right before I start talking, but it goes away the more I talk...unless I screw up!

    3. Well, at least I have that to look forward to... LOL


  2. Dr. Dad, what K mechanism are you planning to apply for? You might want to check http://writedit.wordpress.com/nih-paylines-resources/ for updates about funding and official/unofficial pay lines. I submitted a K99/R00 in July, and the feedback was positive. The grant was scored, but it is in the funding line is slightly lower. In any case, publications and your training/career plan are a key part of the review, and some minor emphasis is placed on your research plan. Good luck!

    1. I just resubmitted a K99, but I'm not all that optimistic about my chances. My first submission was triaged (problems with research plan), and while I made some major changes, I'm not sure if I can count on a 30+ swing in score. Especially because I couldn't get any new preliminary data.
