Sunday, November 13, 2011

ADHD discussion for a kindergartener?

To the over-concerned teacher of my 5-year old: I hate to say that I know more than you, but your diagnosis of ADHD and obsessive-compulsive disorder seems a bit premature to me.

Yes, he tends to get distracted if something shiny walks past.

Yes, he has a hard time doing your in-class assignments for the hour you allotted.

And yes, he wants to be the class clown.

But did you notice that he acts up because he's bored? Or that he never understood that those worksheets were something he was graded on?

Because, while i'm no expert, I can't help but think that such disorders would not go away overnight after a 10 minute heart-to-heart...

I'm just saying....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Over-stretching for a job?

So, ummm.... I'm applying to job postings right now. Looking for the elusive first tenure-track job.

As I round the curve and head into the home stretch of round one, I can't help but notice that in just about every instance they don't have ANYBODY doing anything like what I do.

Sure I can see collaborations and mention them in my research plan, and I really don't think that these are odd departments for my research.

Or are they?

Grr.. I hate self doubt.....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm all for safety, but....

I hate mandatory safety training.

It always feels like a joke and I usually walk away wondering if I learned anything. Or if the whole point was to protect the institution from lawsuits.

Besides, I can't shake the feeling that I could be doing something better with my time. Like writing manuscripts, doing experiments, picking my toenails. Anything but be reminded (repeatedly, even) that I shouldn't try mouth pippetting radioactive material onto cells transduced with virus.

Maybe it's just me, but if I need to be told such things, maybe a career in the lab isn't right for me. I'm just sayin'....